Keyword Research

Faisal Khan
2 min readJun 28, 2021

These past two weeks my biggest task was keyword research. Keyword research is one of the first things you will learn when it comes to SEO as it forms the basis of a SEO strategy.

Keyword Research is finding words and phrases related to your business that people use on search engines. It impacts all your other efforts such as finding new content ideas, keywords are an on-page element and email outreach.

Now that you know what keyword research is, here are some pointers when you actually start the process.

  • First take some time out to brainstorm a few keywords related to your business.
  • Use the ‘Searches related to’ section of Google, as well as Google suggest These keywords come straight from Google
  • Google Trends is great for seeing what is popular in your industry
  • SEMrush is an amazing tool with a lot of great features. You can get key metrics such as search volume, competition, keyword difficulty etc, and you can see which keywords your competitors are ranking for.
  • Once you have got all your keywords separate them into different themes. These themes can be anything you want. For example your various USPs, the products and/or services you offer, you may even get new themes during your keyword research. Creating different themes will help you organise your marketing efforts depending on how you use your keywords.

Backlinko’s Brian Dean has an amazing guide to Keyword research and one that I always refer to.

So to the new marketers out there I would highly recommend becoming proficient and understanding keyword research.

Now I want to hear from you have any advice on how to conduct keyword research, any particular tools you use.

