The Journey of a Marketing Novice — My first Job

Faisal Khan
3 min readMar 28, 2021


I have decided to write a weekly blog about my journey in marketing. Though, I am a novice, I do hope that the marketers who come after me can learn something from my experience.

First, I think its important to share how I got into marketing in the first place.

Studying Management at the University of Kent, Canterbury I was taught the different aspects of business. HR, finance, marketing and more. I naturally gravitated towards marketing, as it is a great mix of creativity and technical data analysis. Moreover, I have always been curious to learn about branding and how brands are built.

I have always been interested in branding
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

After graduating, I began applying for marketing graduate jobs and internships for nearly year. I managed to land a 6 month internship as an Online Marketing Trainee at Meetingselect based in Naarden just outside Amsterdam.

Marketing is very competitive.

During my time at Meetingselect I learnt a lot of the basics regarding content marketing, SEO and social media.

Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash

I wrote numerous blogs to increase their brand awareness and online presence. I also helped promote their new products.

For anyone looking to get into marketing, particularly content marketing and content creation, I highly recommend understanding and getting used to copywriting and the AIDA formula.

Copywriting is crucial for content marketing and content creation

I also highly recommend to do the following courses so you know the fundamentals of digital marketing and can hit the ground running when you land your first job.

Google’s Fundamentals of digital marketing and Udemy’s The Complete Digital Marketing Course.

My final piece of advice would be to pick up a coding language, it will definitely take you far in your marketing career. You don’t need to be an expert but knowing the basics so you can optimise websites, apps or landing pages will be an added bonus. I recommend to start with HTML and CSS and then move onto Java. These coding languages are useful for websites. Finally Python, can help with data analysis.

Coding is an important skill to have as a digital marketer
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

That’s all from me. Like I said previously I’ll be doing this on a weekly basis. I hope there’s some useful information for someone out there whose about to start their marketing journey.

I am also delighted to say I have got a trainee role at Sleeping Giant Media as a GIANT trainee. More on this next week.

